Q: I have seen a few brothers who follow the Shaafi' Math-hab, pause before standing for Qiyaam after their two Sajdahs in the first and third Rakaat. What is this practice called and what is the correct way to do it? Can I do this in any Salaah? I am Shaafi'ee as well. Please supply references from the Hadeeth.
A: It is recorded in the Shaafi' books of Fiqh that it is Sunnah to sit after the two Sajdahs, before standing for the next Rakaat. (Al Muqaddamatul Hadhramiyyah v.1 p.71) This sitting is called 'Jalsatul-Istiraaha', meaning a sitting of rest. It is a short pause while the musallee sits down before standing up for the first and third Rakaats. It can be done in all Salaah. The Hadeeth relating to this sitting is recorded in Bukhari Vol.1 p.283.