Q: Is it correct to make an intention for qadha salah in this way: "Fajr fard 12th qadha"?
A: If you have a lot of Qadhaa to fulfil, the easier method of intention is: 'I am performing the first Fardh of Fajr Qadhaa on me.' Every time you perform another Qadhaa of that particular Salaah, it will be the first upon you.
Moulana Yusuf LaherA: If you have a lot of Qadhaa to fulfil, the easier method of intention is: 'I am performing the first Fardh of Fajr Qadhaa on me.' Every time you perform another Qadhaa of that particular Salaah, it will be the first upon you.
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai