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Friday, May 29, 2009

Coloured Contact Lenses

Q: Is is permissable for a woman to wear coloured contact lenses as opposed to the clear lens?

A: Colour lenses are not allowed because the observer will be led to believe that that colour is the natural colour of the woman’s eyes. Contact lenses are not easily noticeable. Let’s say a boy proposes to the girl, and sees her face. He will be pleased to see that she has “green” eyes or “blue” eyes, but the day they marry and she removes her lenses, the husband will feel cheated. So because of deception, this is not allowed. It is also for this reason why a man is not allowed to dye his hair black, for this will deceive the onlooker. As for a married woman, this will also be a form attraction because even if she wears a niqaab or veil, the eyes are very noticeable and will look more attractive with the colour. For these reasons colour contacts are not permissible. It appears in the hadith: ‘He who deceives us is not one of us’ Narrated by Imam Muslim.

Mufti Siraj Desai

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Woman not Cutting Hair in Hajj

Q: What is the consequence if a woman forgets to cut her hair during the rituals of Hajj? is it ok to cut it later?

The stipulated period for cutting the hair during Haj commences from after the dawn of the 10th of Dhul Hijjah up to the sunset of the 12th. Also, the hair has to be cut within the Haram precincts. If the cutting is delayed after this time, a dum will become Waajib, i.e. it will be compulsory to sacrifice a sheep or goat, or a seventh part of a cow or camel within the precincts of the Haram. (Mu'allimul Hujjaaj p176-177) Another dum will become waajib if the hair was cut outside the precincts of the haram, e.g. after returning home. In short, cutting of the hair is conditioned with time and place. One dum will become necessary for each omission. (Raddul-Muhtaar)

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Giving False Evidence

Q: What does Islam say about giving false evidence?

A: Giving false evidence has been mentioned as one of the seven major sins, alongside murder, drinking wine, zina etc. On Qiyamat day a flag will be planted under the buttocks of that person to tell the world that he was a liar and a cheat. This is besides the other punishment for sin in Jahannum (hell).

Mufti Siraj Desai

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Muslim Man Marrying a Jewish Woman

Q: Can a Muslim man marry a non-Muslim woman (Jewish), and then she becomes Muslim in the future?

It is not permissible for a Muslim male to marry a non-Muslim female of any religious following. This is the Fatwa of Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiyallaahu anhu). When he was asked about the permissibility of a Muslim male marrying a Jewish or Christian female, he responded by saying: “The Statement of Almighty Allah in the Holy Qur'aan is quite clear: ‘And do not marry Mushrik women until they become Muslims;’ (Surah Baqarah, verse 221) And I do not know of a greater form of shirk (polytheism) than to proclaim Eesa the son of Maryam or any servant of Allah as one's Lord and God.” (Ahkamul-Quran of Jassas). This is the statement of a Sahaabi of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) who was among the Fuqahaa of his times and a man very strict upon the Sunnah of Nabi Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam). According to most of the scholars such a Nikah or marriage is abominable due to the threat that faces the Imaan of Muslims.

The basis of their ruling is that when Hadhrat Umar bin Khattaab (Radhiyallaahu anhu) heard that Hadhrat Huzhaifa bin Yamaan (Radhiyallaahu anhu) had married a Jewish woman in Madaa-in, he commanded him in a letter to divorce her immediately. He wrote: “There is no chastity and honour among their (Jews and Christians) women. So I fear this may be the cause of lewdness and immorality developing within your homes.” Imam Mohammed bin Hasan Shaybaani narrates this incident from Imam Abu Hanifa in his Kitabul-Aathaar (page 156) and states that the exact words of Hadhrat Umar’s reply to Hadhrat Huzhaifa bin Yaman were: “I make it obligatory upon you that you shall not put down this letter of mine until you have released that woman from your Nikah, for I fear that other Muslims may follow you in this act and give preference in marriage to women of the Ahl-e-Kitab because of their beauty. And this in itself is a great Fitnah for Muslim women.”

Mufti Siraj Desai

Monday, May 25, 2009

Adding a Floor to Musjid

Q: Can we build another floor for the Musjid because we are experiencing great difficulty with the heat on the ground floor?

A: It is permissible to build another floor above the musjid and make an intention that that floor will be part of the musjid. Jamaat salaah will be valid on that floor and all the law of a musjid will apply to that floor.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Worried About Shortness

Q: I am 23 years old and very short. How can I increase my height?

We answer questions on Islamic issues.

Nevertheless, be pleased with the height that your Creator has given you and be grateful for your good health. There are many people in the world who are inflicted with fatal sicknesses and you are concerned with your height! Once you happily accept that this is the height given to you by Allah Ta'ala, you will not be bothered about it. May Allah grant you acceptance. Aameen.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Marriage Before or After Juma Salaah

Q: Is it Sunnah to perform Nikah (marriage) before Juma salaat or after?

A: The Hadeeth advises to proclaim the Nikah and to perform it in the Masjid. Proclamation will mean that people should be present to witness the Nikah ceremony. The commentator of Mishkaat; Mulla Ali Qaari (Rahmatullaahi Alayh) quoting the famous Hanafi scholar Allaamah ibni Humaam says that it is Mustahabb to perform the Nikah in the Masjid because it is an Ibaadat, and to have it on the Day of Jumu'ah, hoping for blessing from the huge gathering (for the Salaah of Jumu'ah), and due to the gathering being so large, the proclamation which has been encouraged in the Hadeeth, will be fulfilled to the maximum. Thus the preference of the Allaamah is at the time of Jumu'ah, without any mention of before or after the Salaah.
In my humble opinion, it will be best after the Salaah, so that the Jumu'ah procedure and standard Ibaadat of the Musallis are not disrupted, avoiding any confusion which may arise. Also, those who have commitments may leave without being forced to sit, waiting for the Salaah.
Remember that this is Mustahabb (meritorious) and not compulsory.
And Allah Ta'aala knows best.

Mufti Siraj Saheb adds: “The reason for Jumu’ah being a Mustahabb day for Nikah is clearly to catch the large crowd, so that the Nikah could be publicized to the highest degree. Since the crowd will only gather at the time of the Jumu’ah prayers, the Nikah will be Mustahabb at the time of the Salaah. Should it be before or after the Salaah? Well, Shari'ah teaches that any event that is not Fardh and clashes with the Salaah, should be done after Salaah, such as Janaazah Salaah (which is not Fardh on each and every person). Nikah is not Fardh, hence we say that the Fardh Salaah will be offered first and then the Nikah will be solemnized. Sunnats obviously tag the Fardh, so will also be done before the Nikah. And Allah Ta’aala knows best.”

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Plucking and Shaping Eyebrows

Q: Are women allowed to pluck or shape their eyebrows?

A: A lady should not trim her eyebrows, get it trimmed by someone else, nor should she trim the eyebrows of others. The Hadeeth has forbidden these acts and such people have been cursed in the Hadeeth. (Al Bahrur Raa'iq V16 P78)

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Make Up and Eye Shadow

Q: Are women allowed to use make up or eye shadow?

A: If make-up or eye shadow is used to please the husband, it will be permissible. It will not be permissible for any other reason. Ensure that the make-up does not contain any Haraam ingredients.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Psalms and Music

Q: What does the Zaboor (Psalms) say about music or singing?

A: We are not aware of the ruling of the Zaboor regarding music and singing. We follow the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam). The Qur'aan and the Sunnah has cancelled out and replaced all previous books and religious systems. Thus, the ruling of the Zaboor on these two issues is irrelevant to us. The Qur'aan and the Sunnah has forbidden music, singing and dancing, and this ruling is binding upon us.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Performing Umrah while Uncircumcised

Q: Can my son, who is one and a half years old, perform umrah without being circumcised (khatna)?

A: He can perform Umrah without Khatna. The Khatna should be done as soon as possible.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Long Hair and Bathing (Ghusl)

Q: What is the fatwa concerning women with long thick hair in the state of janaabah (impurity)?

A: When taking a Ghusl (bath), it will be compulsory to wet all the hair and to ensure that water has also reached the roots of the hair. If this is not done, the Ghusl will not be valid.

If the woman’s hair is tied into plaits then it is not compulsory upon her to open the plaits and wet the hair when bathing. She must just ensure that water reaches the roots of her hair. However, hair that is already loose at the time of Ghusl must be washed completely. Failing to do so will render the Ghusl invalid.

Mufti Siraj Desai

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Qasr Salaah and Comfort

Q: Can you perform qasr salaah when on holiday at a holiday house with all comforts available?

Qasr Salaah is a gift from Allah Ta'aala to this Ummat, and a Divine gift should not be refused. The criterion for Qasr Salaah is the distance being travelled and the duration of stay at the temporary venue. One who travels 77.7 km and will stay at one place for 14 days or less, qualifies as a Musaafir. The comforts of the venue have no part to play in this criterion. Thus, if the criterion is fulfilled, Qasr Salaah will be compulsory, notwithstanding the comforts available at the holiday house, etc.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Woman and Orgasm

Q: If a woman experienced an orgasm but no intercourse took place, is ghusl (bath) necessary?

A: Ghusl will be compulsory upon the woman who experiences an orgasm.

Mufti Siraj Desai

Praying for my Mother

Q: How do Isend dua (supplication) for my mother who has died, since I can not read Arabic? Can I get a transliteration?

A: Du'aa is not compulsory in Arabic, nor is there a need for a transliteration. Make Du'aa in your own language for her forgiveness, comfort in the grave, elevated status in the hereafter, etc. The Du'aa that you understand will be more effective, heartfelt and sincere.

Please make an effort to learn Arabic so that you can read Qur'aan, Salaah, etc.

May Allah Ta'aala grant your mother Maghfirat (forgiveness), and a lofty status in the hereafter. Aameen.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Sucking Wife's Breast and Bathing

Q: If I suck my wife breast, do we both need to do ghusl (bath)? There was no intercourse.

A: Sucking the breast of the wife does not make Ghusl necessary. Ghusl will become necessary if ejaculation of sperm takes place or when the private part of the male enters the female private part, irrespective of whether there is ejaculation or not.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Anal Sex

Q: Can a man have anal sex with his wife?

A: Anal sex is totally prohibited in Islam. It is counted among the major sins. The vagina has been created for sexual gratification and not the anus. Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah (Radhiyallaahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: Accursed is that person who enters the anus of his wife. (Abu Dawood). He narrates another Hadeeth: Allah will not look at that person (with mercy) who has anal sex with his wife. (Ibni Maajah)

A person who commits this Haraam act will be accursed and will deprive himself of the mercy of Allah. May Allah Ta'aala save the Ummat from this forbidden act. Aameen.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Toilet and Cleanliness

Q: I always have problems with cleanliness when leaving the toilet because I am in a rush. How can I rectify this?

A:. The answer is simply – do not rush! Cleanliness (Tahaarah) holds a very important position in the life of a Muslim. Salaah will not be valid without proper cleanliness. By being neglectful in matters of cleanliness, one is placing Salaah, etc. in jeopardy. By way of example, the Hadeeth is very explicit and stern with regard to splashes of urine on the body and clothes and warns of punishment in the grave for one who is negligent in this.

Spend so much time in the toilet which is needed to attain proper cleanliness.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Monday, May 4, 2009

Types of Talaaq (Divorce)

Q: What are the types of talaaq?

A: There are three types of Talaaq:

1) Talaaq Ahsan: This is when a man gives his wife Talaaq while she is clean (not menstruating) and has not had intercourse with her since the last period. He then stays apart from her until her Iddah is completed (three consecutive periods). This is the best type of Talaaq because it allows the man to take back his wife before the Iddah period is over. If the Iddah period expires and thereafter he wishes to have her back, a new Nikah must be performed.

2) Talaaq Hasan (Sunni): In this type of Talaaq a man gives three Talaaqs, one in each of three consecutive clean periods (when she is not menstruating) and during which he has not had intercourse with her. If he wishes to take her back, he may do so after the first or second Talaaq, but not after the third Talaaq has been issued.

3) Talaaq Bid'ee: This is when a man issues three Talaaqs in one sentence or three Talaaqs within one clean period. Although it is sinful to issue Talaaq in this manner, nevertheless the Talaaqs will be valid and she will no more be his wife.

It will also be regarded as Talaaq Bid’ee if a man has intercourse with his wife and then issues Talaaq within the same non-menstruating period; or he issues Talaaq during a menstruating period.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked ana approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Advice for Reading Fajr

Q: We are not offering prayer fajr salaah. What can we do to start offering it?

A: You have to have the concern from the night. Try to implement the following suggestions:
1) Make Du'aa that getting up for Fajr becomes easy on you.
2) Go to sleep immediately after Eshaa so that you can get enough sleep.
3) Do not sleep with a full stomach and do not have any liquids before sleeping.
4) Set the alarm and also get someone to wake you up or phone you at the time of Fajr.
5) Recite the last few verses of Surah Kahf before sleeping (from Innalladheena Aamanoo).
6) Recite the following verse regularly, especially after every Salaah (Surah Ebrahim v40):
رَبِّ اجْعَلْنِي مُقِيمَ الصَّلَاةِ وَمِنْ ذُرِّيَّتِي رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَاءِ

May Allah Ta'aala make it easy upon you and accept all your Ibaadat. Aameen.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai

Friday, May 1, 2009

Seeing the Husband's Private Part

Q: Can a wife see her husband's private part?

A: Although it is permissible to view each others private parts, modesty demands that husband and wife cover themselves, even at the time of sexual relations. This is advice in the Hadeeth (Musannaf Abdur Razzaaq Vol 6 P194). This Hadeeth says that when going to the wife (to fulfill one's desire), do not be naked like asses.

It is mentioned that viewing each others private parts causes forgetfulness.

Prepared by: Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai